* Gender: Female
* SL Birth Date: 3/11/2010
* Nationality: Caucasion (USA)
* Languages: English
* Current Agencies:
-Angelwing model
-Arcobaleno model
-Bellissimo Angelo model
-Farouche model (upon course completion)
-IC Motions model and instructor
- JNCY showcase model
-Maritima modele
-T&K model
-UEMA model
* Past Experiences:
-Sept winner of the Razzmataz photo contest
-MVW 2011 pre finalist
-Lady Thera show
-Goldenwing show
-Soliel show
-Angelwing show
- many others but those are the most recent
* Modeling Courses:
-HQ Academy, Catwalk and photomodeling
-EMA models, styling
-IC Motions, advanced runway and styling
-Farouche advanced runway (attending)
-Accepted for the elite course in early OCT. at Super Elite
* Expectations/Interest:
-Want to be one of the best in the modeling business and will not stop until all my personal goals are met
-Want to teach and help other new models grow to be great.
* Pic (Face Shot):